Knowledge BaseWindows 7 Antispyware
W P Staff asked 7 years ago
How do i remove Windows 7 Antispyware?
1 Answers
W P Staff answered 7 years ago

i found a nifty article that can help you. Here are the essential steps:

When removed improperly, the left over registry entries messes up the opening of .exe files.

Use an alternate browser like Chrome to download the following or use a removable drive to transfer them to the affected computer:

1. Right click and save the registry file trojan_fakerean_exe_fix.reg, make sure that you are saving the file with a .reg extension.
2. MalwareBytes’s Anti-Malware
3. CCleaner Slim version

* Double click to run the downloaded (trojan_fakerean_exe_fix.reg) registry file, Click Yes to merge the registry data. This will delete the offending registry keys blocking the .exe files.
* Install and run MalwareBytes’s Anti-Malware. Go to the Update tab and check for updates. Once the update is completed, open the Scanner tab and choose a full-scan. Once the scan is completed, click “Show results“, confirm that all instances of the rogue security software are check-marked and then click “Remove Selected” to delete them. If prompted restart immediately to complete the removal process.
* Turn System Restore off and on
* Install, scan and clean the temporary files with CCleaner Slim version.

You should now be clean of this rogue.

If you are unable to get rid of this scareware, please visit one of the recommended forums for malware help and post about your problem.